Special educational needs and disabilities
In September 2014 a new Special Educational Needs Code of Practice for supporting children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities was introduced by the government.
All children learn and develop at different rates and have both areas of strength and weakness. A child may have a special educational need if, despite appropriate differentiated planning and support, they continue to experience a greater difficulty than their peers in learning and developing skills. The New Code of Practice outlines the following four broad areas of need: communication and interaction; cognition and learning; social, emotional and mental health difficulties and sensory and or physical needs. Our Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator works closely with the child, family, class teacher, teaching assistants and, if required, outside agencies. We consider the involvement of parents/carers to be vital to the progress of all children particularly those identified as having special educational needs.
Children and young people with more complex needs might instead need an Education, Health and Care (EHC) plan which have replaced statements of SEN. Wherever possible, the school endeavours to meet the needs of children with statements or EHC plans and these children will be admitted to our school provided we are able to meet the requirements of their plans/statements.
Although Weedon Bec Primary is currently not suitable for wheelchair access, applications for places from the parents/carers of disabled pupils will be dealt with positively.
Information for parents, carers and professionals on support and services available for children and young people with special educational needs or disabilities in Northamptonshire. This includes the Local Offer.
See the iMAT SEND Policy here
See the school accessibility plan here
See the school Equality information and Objectives Policy here
See the iMAT Equality Information and Objectives Policy here
See the school SEN Information report here
From our most recent Ofsted report: Areas of strengths were highlighted in our SEND provision.
“Pupils feel that the school is an inclusive environment where everyone is welcome and accepted. This helps pupils feel safe and happy.”
“Leaders have ensured that they are ambitious for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Pupils with SEND get the support they need to access the full curriculum. Teachers are well prepared with the understanding they need to help these pupils achieve. Teaching staff deploy additional adults well to make sure that pupils with SEND can achieve.”
Special educational needs-admissions
If your child has an Education, Health and Care (EHC) Plan, there are different procedures for obtaining a school place. Find out more about the application process for children with special educational needs here.
We will also consider applications from parents of children with SEND, but do not have an EHCP.
Applications for school places must be completed online on the West Northamptonshire council website here
How to make a complaint
Parents/Guardians: Before making a complaint, please talk to the school’s special educational needs co-ordinator (SENCO) to try and find a solution. If you’re not happy after talking to the SENCO, you can make a complaint to the school by following the iMAT complaints procedure, which can be found here.
Our school SENCO is Mrs Price and our Trust SENCo is Mrs Zoe Reed