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We have a number of free clubs run by teachers during and after school, as well as chargeable clubs run by third parties. 

Pupil premium children are able to attend a chargeable club free for 1 term per year. Please contact the school office for more information.

Our Afterschool Clubs:

  • Lego Club 3.20pm-4.10pm  starting 29/1/24 £3 per session, payable half termly via Arbor

  • Ukulele Club with Mr Marlow - This club is available to all children from years 3 - 6 on Mondays from 15:20 to 16:15. Please sign your children up via Arbor.

  • Dance Weedon- 3.20pm-4.20pm (see poster below) Bookings via:

  • Hotshots basketball club 3.25 pm-4.10 pm  Contact Mark Spatcher to book 07775 670375

Wednesday 3.20-4.10pm  
  •  Performing Arts club with Miss Saunders-Years 1, 2 and 3. £2.50 per session, payable half termly via Arbor

  • Weedon Brownies hire our hall on Wednesday evenings in term time-see the poster below for more information.

Thursday from 3.30-
  • KS2 sports club with Mr Lee, iMAT Sports Coach.  £3 per session, payable half termly via Arbor

  • Bucket drumming with Mr Marlow KS2 Friday from 15:20 to 16:15.  £3 per session, payable half termly via Arbor